Gem5 Simulator

Gem5 is an open-source processor simulation software. And why am I writing about this? Simply because I happen to work on it as a part of my academics and I could not have struggled more with any other such tool. Gem5 is an incredible open-source tool you can find on .

Of course the site is always being updated, but, for a first-time learner like me, it came around to be rather tedious to get to know the simulator. The website does give a lot of tutorials but, when it comes to dealing with the simulator, the small errors involved are not discussed. I have hardly even done ten percent of the work however, getting the simulator up and running and dealing with the dependencies took a lot of valuable time. For this purpose, I am documenting the steps I took for getting the GEM5 simulator to run a few primary tests for simulating an ARM processor. The document can be downloaded here

Will upload more on this soon…